About A+ Project Delivery

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We Won’t Settle for Anything Less Than A+

Our project delivery teams understand that without achieving the highest levels of success in each individual area, the project as a whole cannot be considered to meet Delphi’s A+ Project Delivery™ Standard.

We have developed a comprehensive set of criteria against which we measure our performance throughout the life of the project. Some aspects are quantitative, others qualitative but each is equally important.

We thoroughly train and equip our Project Managers and Construction Superintendents with the kind of dynamic management skills necessary to ensure the holistic health of the project at all times.

Our staff is challenged to continually improve and respond to a changing environment through weekly self evaluation and mentoring from senior peers. They are held accountable by the Executives to whom they report through direct client feedback. This client feedback is gathered during weekly client meetings and also formally at key milestones and at project’s end.

Precise Budget Management

Keeping a project on budget requires daily, active management. The process begins during the estimating phase but it continues through all stages of construction.

Our field teams diligently manage subcontractors, staff and materials while closely coordinating with our project management to ensure that the full scope of work is being completed as contracted and with maximum efficiency.

Dynamic Schedule Management

Even with the most highly detailed plan, managing a construction schedule is not always a purely linear process. Challenges continually arise in the field, any of which could pose a threat to the schedule.

Our experienced managers have the Dynamic Schedule Management skills and training required to constantly assess and adapt in order to maintain the critical path of the project and deliver on time.

Rigorous Safety Enforcement

We develop a site specific safety plan at the start of each project and rigorously enforce its requirements among all subcontractors, staff and visitors throughout all phases of construction.

Strict adherance to the highest standards of safety is overseen by our onsite staff including Project Executives, Project Managers, Construction Superintendents as well as Delphi’s Safety Manager and contracted outside safety consultants.

Exacting Standards of Quality Control

At the end of the day, we want to be proud to put our name on any project we build. This means more than simply delivering a project on time and on budget. It means the final product has to be of the highest quality.

Every member of the Delphi team, from our full time Quality Manager to our carpenters and laborers in the field shares that commitment.

Creating Good Team Dynamics

Many aspects of construction are easily quantifiable, like a building’s square footage or the thermal rating of the installed windows. Other things are harder to measure but no less important, like the mood in the trailer or the spirit of teamwork among the crew. This includes among not only internal Delphi staff, but subcontractors, architects and engineers as well.

We believe that part of A+ Project Delivery means that the entire team is working well together, happy with the overall project and their role in delivering it.

Exceeding Client Expectations

As a client-focused construction firm, we continually seek input, feedback and evaluation from our clients to ensure their continued satisfaction throughout the project.

Our overarching goal is to deliver a final product that meets all of our client’s needs through a process that exceeds all of their expectations.

We would love the opportunity to do that for you.