
Passive / High-Performance

Delphi Construction is a pioneer in Passive/High Performance construction. With Certified Passive Builders on staff and a commitment to achieving the highest standards and a greener planet, our team stands ready to help you achieve your goals.

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An Emerging Leader in Passive/High Performance Construction

It is an exciting time in the world of construction. With each passing day, more and more clients are discovering the need to create a more sustainable, energy efficient built environment. Delphi is proud to be recognized as a pioneer in the emergence of Passive/High Performance construction.

With multiple Certified Passive Builders on staff and a wealth of experience in this specialized approach to construction, Delphi Construction will take your project from design through construction and certification. (Passive, Net-Zero and LEED).

Feel free to reach out to discuss your project with our experienced team.

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A+ Project Delivery

Our project delivery teams understand that without achieving the highest levels of success in each individual area, the project as a whole cannot be considered to meet Delphi’s A+ Project Delivery™ Standard.