
Delphi Partners with Make-a-Wish

Company wide charity outreach makes wish come true for boy diagnosed with Wilms Tumor

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UPDATE: New Video

See special video feature that chronicles the August 6 Build Day>

WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS – April 5, 2016 – Delphi Construction announced today that the company will  partner with Make-a-Wish  of Massachusetts and Rhode as part of company-wide charity outreach event to take place this summer.

The event has been dubbed “Build Connor’s Tree House” in honor of Connor Blaney, the Make-a-Wish child recently diagnosed with Wilms Tumor. His wish for an elaborate tree house in his backyard prompted Delphi to take on the special project.

Delphi President, Jake Simmons provided details about the project and his company’s involvement.

“When Make-a-Wish of Massachusetts and Rhode Island approached us and told us about Connor,  we knew we had to get involved. Delphi has always been financially supportive of charities, which is important.  But I’ve long believed that getting out into the community and giving of our time and talents is equally important. As a company, we’ve been looking for opportunities to do that.

This project was  a perfect fit for us.  As a large Construction Management Company that builds multi-million dollar projects every day, providing Connor with a dream tree house gave us an opportunity to do Good by doing what we do best, building.” Simmons Said.

The Delphi team first met Connor and family at a project kick-off meeting which took place in Connor’s Abington back yard. Keith Shaw, Vice President of Delphi was on site along with Delphi’s Project Controller and a Senior Project Manager for the official site visit.

“Our first step on any project is to fully understand our client’s goals. Connor had a list of potential features he would love to have but he wasn’t sure if they might be too complicated. Things like a  drawbridge, an enclosed loft area, an inside and outside sitting area, a climbing wall, a zipline and maybe even an archery area. Connor was happy to hear that we’ve had a lot of experience with complex projects like this one.” Shaw said.

The entire company is getting involved. After the initial meeting, Delphi designers drew up the final plans for the tree house while one of the company’s VP’s worked together with his own son to build a 3D model of what the final project will look like. A group of Delphi carpenters have volunteered to go to the site and construct the main structure in the days leading up to the company-wide build day. The rest of Delphi’s 70 plus employees are invited to come spend the day helping to put the the structure in place and celebrate with a ribbon cutting ceremony.